Welcome to #TLAIS Primary

Cambridge Primary is built around what matters most to students around the world. The curriculum is broad for a balanced education. It includes 10 subjects with core subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science. There are also plenty of opportunities for students to develop creativity, expression and personal wellbeing through subjects like Art, Music and Physical education. Each stage of the programme builds on the previous one or from other educational systems, so your child will feel confident that they are ready for the next step of their education. In essence, Cambridge Primary helps students discover new abilities and a wider world. Subjects like Cambridge Global Perspectives™ nurture a broad outlook, helping your child to understand their own culture, community and identity as well as those of others in different parts of the world.
We monitor your child’s development through progress checks and assessments that are built into the programme. Teachers assess some subjects in the classroom and discuss with your child ‘what went well’ and how to improve further. The highlight is Cambridge Primary Checkpoint which marked externally by Cambridge International and is taken in the final year of Cambridge Primary. Your child will receive a statement of achievement and then proceed to High School.
More information is available here.

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