20 October, 2023

Dear Esteemed Parents/Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. As we eagerly anticipate the return of our learners from the mid-term break, we extend a warm welcome to both parents and learners. Here are some important reminders and updates for the upcoming weeks:

224.1. School Re-commencement
The Lilongwe Academy International School will reopen on October 23, 2023. Regular pickup times will resume on this day as the term is still in progress.

224.2. CAT 2 Examinations (6 - 10 November 2023)
Please be reminded that CAT 2 (Continuous Assessment Test 2) will be administered from November 6 to November 10, 2023 for all school levels and learner eligibility to write the assessments is based on meeting the full fees policy. We further encourage learners to adequately prepare for this assessment.

224.3. Sports Day and Uniform Guidelines:
  • Primary School Sports: Sports for primary students take place on Thursdays. Students are required to be in House t-shirts (Golf shirts) and tracksuits or shorts.
  • High School Sports Day: Scheduled for Wednesdays. The sports kit includes; House t-shirts (Golf shirts) and track suits. Please note that students are not allowed to wear flip flops on Sports Day.
224.4. Uniform and Grooming Standards:
  • Uniform Shop update: The uniform shop is fully stocked. Parents are urged to ensure that their children adhere to the school uniform policy without any exceptions.
  • Uniform Protocol: All students are required to be in full uniform as follows; gym dress, blouse, neck tie, socks and pull over or jersey for primary girls. Shorts, shirt, necktie, socks and pull over or jersey for primary boys. As for high school, boys are expected to put on a pair of trousers, shirt, necktie, socks and jersey or blazer. Girls are expected to wear a skirt, blouse, necktie, socks, jersey or blazer. We kindly request parents' cooperation in ensuring their children adhere to the dress code.
  • Boys' Dress Code: Boys are reminded that no beards are allowed. The school uniform must be accompanied by black smart shoes not sneakers and a black belt.
  • Girls' Dress Code: Girls must adhere to black braids, tied with a black or green tie. Hair must be in a ponytail or bun. Nose rings are not allowed; only studs are permitted.
Note: The school reserves the right to send back a leaner that is not adhering to the school dress code.

224.5. Academic Organizational Matters
  • Diaries and Notebooks: A gentle reminder that all diaries and notebooks must be covered.
  • Diaries: We encourage parents to actively participate in the diary process by signing homework diaries regularly, this assists us to ensure that the learner has done the work.
224.6. Electronic Devices Policy

The bringing in and use of cellphones is strictly prohibited within the school premises by learners as we want the leaner to focus on their academics and not to be distracted. The school has a phone where learners can make calls to parents where need be. To this, the Heads of Schools also assist.

Thus, unsanctioned cellphones will be confiscated and be returned at the end of the term.

224.7. Communication Group
Parents are reminded of the school's WhatsApp group. If not already part of the group, please send your contacts to the communications coordinator on 0883507605 or 0986583981.

A reminder that the school has the following channels of communication: Total CEY notice board, Total Primary notice board and Total High School notice board. In addition to that, we have the suggestion box and the Communication desk at the reception.

224.8. Special Dance Class
We are excited to offer dance classes as an extracurricular activity for all 3 schools as stated in the previous newsletter. The lessons will feature Ballet lessons every Friday, for CEY and primary and Hip hop/African Contemporary for High School. Price of enrollment is MK15,000 per month.

224.9. CEY Reminders
  • Parent-Teacher Interaction (PTI): We invite parents for PTI on October 27, 2023, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please note that learners do not attend school on this day.
  • Lilongwe Wildlife Center Trip: A trip is planned for November 17th, 2023. Further details will be communicated in the coming week.
  • Take a Book Home: CEY 1 and CEY 2 learners will be taking a book home on Fridays. Let's ensure the books are well taken care of.
224.9 Primary and High School Academic Calendar

Note that the Academic Calendar will be shared through emails on Wednesday, 25 October, 2023.

224.10. Conclusion
We appreciate your active involvement in your child's educational journey. Together, we can create a nurturing and enriching environment for our young learners.

Kind regards,
Yohani Kasambara
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